West Side School
Room Parent Job Description
General Description:
Room Parents are Communicators!
Room Parents' main roles are
1) to communicate information between their classroom teacher and parents
2) to assist the teach in organization of classroom/school wide events
Classroom Events
Classroom celebrations (holidays, birthday acknowledgements, etc.)
Field Trips
School Events (Harvest Festival, Dia Del Nino, Jog a Thon, Spring Gala, Teacher Appreciation)
Volunteer Recruitment
FEF Bulletins
Class gifts (for Teachers/ holiday and end of year gifts/ acknowledgements)
School Events:
Harvest Festival/ Halloween
Winter Program (musical performances at the Raven)
Valentine’s Day
100th Day ( K and 1st)
Spirit Fridays (usually occurs one Friday per month/ the theme is chosen by the 6th graders)
End of Year Celebration
Classroom parties
(Halloween/Harvest; Winter Holidays; Valentine’s Day; Birthday recognition and any class specific or “earned” celebrations)​
Teacher Appreciation
Other Duties/ Requirements:
Periodically meet with the Volunteer Liaison in preparation for large events
Involve as many parents as possible in class activities and school events
Have and utilize a West Side e-mail address specific to their class for all correspondence pertaining to class and school business (to be set up by Joan Clark)
Can a Class Have more than one Room Parent?
Yes! This can help with delegation of room parent duties! Sign up now to be a Room Parent!